Soli Deo Gloria. The name of the group reflects the greatest of our objectives. The glory only to God. God first. Praise only for God.
Create a group of music with specific sacred and secular classical repertoire, which can be a testimony of Jesus, through promoting Christian principles in the presentation and selection of music and focusing on the praise of God.
Use the gift of music to bring the message of salvation to society, and to guide it towards the blessing and direction of God.
Group the Adventist members dedicated to music to be involved in the use of their professional gifts in the service of praise and mission.
That all those good musicians willing to follow Jesus find a common place for their continuous development of the talent that God has given them.
Encourage the study of music to promote future Adventist musicians to have a solid preparation in the exercise of music to praise God.
Provide a space where musicians, from children, youth and adults, can find an alternative to any other type of influence that could take them away from God.