Christian Musicians Ministry

soli deo gloria

Know us
SDG Music Ministry SDG Music Ministry

The book of Chronicles (1 Chron 23:25-31) presents how the Levites were organized in the time of King David for the music service. This organization allowed us to always have a group of choir and instruments that officiated morning and afternoon in the Sanctuary. Likewise, in the reform, Luther made a readjustment both in the "educational programming and in the liturgy" putting music at the center of both, and that resulted in a Germany that today is a musical reference for the whole world.

The Bible presents a church based on different gifts, and undoubtedly music is one of the most important for worship. God has given this wonderful opportunity to express through music how great is his love, how great is his mercy and how grateful we are for all of it.

The name of this group arises from the acronym SDG (Soli Deo Gloria) with which both Johann Sebastian Bach and George Frederich Haendel, two musicians who devoted much of their lives to sacred music, signed many of his works.



Glorify God through music, in order to unite each believer in an experience of personal and transforming relationship with Christ, which prepares them as disciples, to be missionary instruments and share the gospel.




The musicians could participate actively in sharing the gospel through their talents, revitalizing, reviving and developing their spiritual experience, based on the biblical principles, on which it is based the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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Soli Deo Gloria

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